We talked about the enemies of our creative self. These enemies have put those negative beliefs in us. The negative beliefs are exactly that: a belief. It\’s not true. To slay those beliefs, it\’s useful to utilize positive affirmations. Today let\’s discuss the pros and cons of positive affirmations. But first, let\’s revisit identifying the enemy, the negative belief.
Do you recognize the negative beliefs in you? Some examples are:
- I will be labelled as crazy when I am on way to be a creative person.
- I don\’t have any good ideas to be creative.
- I will do bad work as a creative artist and people will mock and laugh at me.
- I\’m bad so I don\’t deserve to be a successful artist.
- It\’s too late at this age to be a creative person.
Take some time to recognize the negative beliefs in you and who among family, friends or teachers implanted that belief in you.
Once you identify your enemies, it\’s time to neutralize them. The only way to do this is to replace your negative beliefs with positive affirmations.
As they say, fake it till you make it. Similar to positive affirmations, the phrase \”fake it till you make it\” is a colloquialism that suggests that if you pretend to be confident or capable, eventually you will become so. This is based on the idea that our thoughts and behaviors can shape our reality.
These new thoughts and behavior can transform you into a creative artist over time. But I have also seen people stay in the faking zone far too long and they end up being fake people and do not cross over to the creative side.
So it\’s important to remember both the value and the pitfalls of positive affirmations.Let\’s see the pros and cons of positive affirmations to reduce the effects of our own negative beliefs:
Pros of positive affirmations:
- Can help to change negative thought patterns. When we repeat positive affirmations to ourselves, we are essentially challenging our negative beliefs. Over time, this can help to change the way we think about ourselves and the world around us.
- Can boost self-esteem. Positive affirmations can help us to focus on our strengths and accomplishments. This can lead to increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
- Can improve mood. Positive affirmations can help to shift our focus away from negative thoughts and towards more positive ones. This can lead to a more positive outlook on life and improved mood.
- Can reduce stress. When we are stressed, we tend to focus on the negative aspects of our lives. Affirmations can help us to shift our focus to the positive, which can lead to reduced stress levels.
Cons of Faking it:
- May not be effective for everyone. Some people find that affirmations are not effective for them. This may be because they do not believe the affirmations or they do not practice them regularly.
- Can be unrealistic. If our affirmations are unrealistic, they may not be effective. For example, if we are overweight and we affirm that we are \”thin and beautiful,\” this may not be effective because it is not realistic.
- Can be time-consuming. If we are not used to practicing regularly, it can take time to see results. We may need to practice them regularly for several weeks or months before we see any changes.
Overall, positive affirmations can be a helpful tool for reducing the effects of our own negative beliefs. However, it is important to be realistic and to practice them regularly in order to see results.
Here are some tips for using affirmations effectively:
- Choose affirmations that are specific, positive, and believable. For example, instead of saying \”I am a good person,\” you could say \”I am kind and compassionate.\”
- Repeat your affirmations regularly. You can say them to yourself in the mirror, write them down, or listen to them on a recording.
- Be patient. It takes time to see results from positive affirmations. Don\’t give up if you don\’t see results immediately.
I\’m reading the book on the Artist\’s Way by Julia Cameron which is very helpful for my journey.Her first chapter focuses on the creative recovery.
So, what are you doing to confront your negative beliefs and crossing over to your creative self? Do share in comments below. I need friends to support me on this creative journey. Will you be my friend?
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