Category: Elizquidana
Distraction-Free Writing Retreat: Unleash Your Inner Author!
Do you have a story burning inside you, desperate to be told? Or do you have an expertise that can help readers in improving the quality of life at work or at home? Have you always dreamed of writing a book but found yourself constantly distracted by the chaos of everyday life? If so, a…
Chasing Peace and Joy, Not Success: How to Be Kind
Do you ever feel like you\’re chasing success, but you\’re not really sure what you\’re chasing? Are you always looking for the next big thing, but you never seem to find it? If so, you\’re not alone. We live in a world that is obsessed with success. We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us…
Stay Kind, Stay Funny at Elizquidana
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always. Robin Williams In a world that can be increasingly harsh and unforgiving, it is more important than ever to stay kind, stay funny. Kindness and humor are two qualities that can make the world a better place. Being kind and funny…
Do Humans Need a Tech De-Addiction Center Already?
Hi, hoomans! I love to cuddle and play with you and help you relax and have fun. But sometimes I do get annoyed with you and bark at you. You don\’t understand(you\’re human afterall). What I can\’t figure out is that while you all make giant strides in technology, why are you becoming more anxious…
The Journey of Exploring My Creativity: Getting Started
The child in me wants to discover the creativity within. So while I read books, reviews and insights and about creative writing prompts, I\’m afraid to start expressing myself and exploring my creativity. What would people say? Or am I good enough to express myself. There are difficulties of writing indeed. Even when I know…