Category: Digital Skills
Win-Win Partnerships with Schools & Farmhouses for the Upcurious Lab
We are building a Curiosity Lab at Upcurious. The Upcurious Lab will have book and blog library, life skills courses and programs that helps students with a Hand-Head-Heart collaboration. The lab is based on the 6 Cs of education that are curiosity, collaboration, communication, creativity, celebration and confidence. The Upcurious Lab can create mutually beneficial…
Maximizing Online Visibility for Your Book: Improve the Discoverability
In this age of digital dominance, where screens are our windows to the world, ensuring the online visibility for your book is not just a strategy, but a necessity. The visibility of books has transcended traditional shelves and entered the digital space, making the spotlight even more competitive. In this article, we journey through the…
Navigating the Publishing Process: Guide to Publishing Part 5
Congratulations on embarking on the exciting journey of getting your book published! In this post, we’ll walk you through the publishing process, offering valuable insights and tips to navigate it successfully. Whether you\’re pursuing traditional publishing or considering other options, navigating the publishing process can be a breeze! Let’s begin with drafting a book proposal…